A new semester begins

Today begins a new semester. Being back in classes will hopefully save me from myself. People spend their free time in lots of different ways. I usually work on web sites. Changes to this site went pretty well, my other projects didn’t turn out as planned. In attempting to integrate Stephanie’s blog and photo gallery I accidentally deleted her photos. And it turns out that the plugin to tie Gallery and WordPress together isn’t working quite right. Maybe I’ll get that figured out at some point. It might be configuration issue with the server and Apache mod_rewrite but the people that Stephanie’s blog is hosted with say everything is normal.

I’ve been looking at BlueHost for a while. Their servers and software are more current than where Stephanie’s site is currently hosted, and they offer a lot more disk space. I signed up today and got a free domain name. Since Stephanie’s site is hobbit81.com and this site is librarymonk.com I got the domain hobbitandmonk.com. Not much there at the moment, I just think it’s a fun name. 🙂

Since Stephanie’s gallery is in disarray, I decided to make a separate site for Lisa. So if you are so inclined, take a look. How many kids have a website before they’re even born. 🙂

So here’s hoping classes give me something else to do.

&*@#! language on the rise

&*@#! language on the rise – Teachers, students say swearing is getting worse.

My mom can probably back this story up, she sees behavior in her kindergarten kids now that used to be only in higher grades. I have to disagree with parts of this article. “Sucks” is not a swear word. Sure, it’s not the best English but it’s hardly at the same level as the classic four letter words. I’m of the option that swearing has it’s place. Sometimes you just really can’t express yourself any other way. But use those types of words too much and they loose their effectiveness.

How many degrees…

…does it take to cook bacon? I’m not talking about temperature, I mean college degrees. In my case, the answer is two/working on three. 🙂 I cooked bacon a few months ago with just a plate and lots of paper towels. It was very messy and the bacon was hard to cook consistently. Today I used a microwave bacon tray. It was much cleaner than using a normal plate, but the quality was still hit or miss.

My next bacon cooking attempt will probably be using a George Foreman grill. Instructions I’ve found say that you don’t have to separate that bacon into strips, but I probably will anyway.

I found a site that tested various methods of cooking bacon. Baking seems to be a clear winner, with grilling a close second.

Library 2.0

Library 2.0 is a nice buzzword, but what does it mean? Right now “Library 2.0” seems to be as well defined a term as “information society. Current thinking about Library 2.0 seems to center around library information technologies.

But it’s more technology centered than people centered. New technologies are pointless if they’re not used. Michael (and others) get it, Library 2.0 is people! (insert Soylent Green joke here) Library 2.0 is an extension of the “library as place” idea and needs to focus on ” the library in the life of the user”.

Keegan, Gracie, and Mizzou

Here’s my favorite Christmas present, a drawing of Keegan, Gracie, and Mizzou; drawn by Stephanie’s brother David. The original is about 11×14 inches and hangs on my wall.

Keegan, Gracie, and Mizzou by David Sheaffer

The iMac lives

Well, earlier this month I reported that my iMac was dead. Well it’s alive again. Turns out that it wasn’t dead after all. Joe at MMCS had it for a week and it ran rock solid. He defragged the drive and fixed a few disk permissions but he didn’t find anything would cause a kernel panic.

Turns out the problem was my keyboard. I had spilled fruit punch in it a few months ago, I don’t really remember when. I flipped it over as fast as I could and the keyboard still worked, so I thought it was ok. I figured I’d buy a new keyboard eventually, but I was in no hurry. I could live with a nasty, sticky keyboard for a while.

When the iMac kernel panicked I unplugged everything but the keyboard and mouse. It never occurred to me that the keyboard was the problem. Well it was. So $81 dollars later I have a iMac with a clean bill of health and a new keyboard. Much cheaper than it might have been. Thanks Joe.

Oh, and Merry Christmas everybody!

Grades are in

Grades are in. I got 2 A’s and a B. Which makes my GPA 3.7. (No plus/minus system for grad students) It was a rough semester, I’m happy to do as well as I did. The statistics class, Quantitative Research I, was especially hard but at least I got a B. I’m taking Quantitative Research II next semester to get my research sequence out of the way.

I made an A in Qualitative Research I, so you’d think I would take Qualitative Research II next semester. There are problems with that idea. Qual II requires an actual research project and field work. That might not be so bad if the class wasn’t in the Educational Psychology department, same as Qual I. The classes just don’t have a lot of bearing on library and info science. That was the extremely frustrating thing about Qual I, I’m not sure the professor really understood what I was talking about. So I’m very happy with the A there.

My second A was an independent study. If you can’t make an A there, you picked the wrong independent study. 🙂