SETI@home and WordPress

Well, I stopped running SETI@home on the PC and switched the iMac from the graphical version to the command line version. I really don’t care about watching the fancy graphics or crunching lots of numbers. Running SETI@home is just something for the iMac to do when I’m not using iTunes to listen to my music collection. By the way my collection is currently 2202 songs, 5.9 days of music, 10.78 gigabytes of music in either 192 kbps MP3 or 128 kpbs AAC format.

And in other news I installed WordPress 1.2 over at greeneweb. It seems be pretty equal to Movable Type. I really just want MT 3 final to be released. That and the new version of w.bloggar.

Updated the design

I updated the site design, I had had enough of the bland MT 3 defaults. This design is again based off one of Neil Turner’s designs, this time Bluefade II. Still tweaking a bit, but it’s mostly there.

LISNews versus Library Juice – Round two

For a while now there has been a bit of a feud going between Rory Litwin of Library Juice and Blake Carver and the community at LISNews. It began with Blake’s article at LISNews wanting some right wing counter-balance to the left wing tilt of the LISNews community.

This led to an initial response from Rory that Blake had “gone batty“. That gets followed up May 14 by a more detailed criticism. Which of course led to a response from LISNews.

And now there is Rory’s response to that LISNews feedback. And of course, the LISNews community responds.

My take? LISNews as a news gathering mechanism is as neutral as it can be. People can submit anything to LISNews that they want. It gets read by the “Authors” (I’m one of them) edited and posted. That is neutral. The comment moderation is not. The authors have the ability to moderate comments, as do others. There the leftist slant of LISNews shows up and right leaning comments to stories are usually badly moderated and are thus harder to find.

Here I must disclose that I am very left leaning. But I don’t often comment or moderate. But Rory took what could have been valid criticism and initially phrased it as a personal “attack” for lack of a better term. (Blake Carver of LISNews has gone batty). That lead to attacks in him personally and so on and so on. But Rory jumped into the fire and then judging by the latest Library Juice couldn’t take the heat and came away burned. Maybe that explains his musings in Library Juice, “Please stop being excited about the Web – especially ‘blogs“.

But following the discourse on this topic has been fun, to both sides I say “Please continue.”

New look to the site (not permanent)

As part of upgrading to MT 3.0 D, I took all the templates back to the default. The result is a pretty bland looking site. All I did to the default templates was modify the stylesheet a bit. Not sure sure how long I’ll keep the site like this… maybe until MT 3.0 final is out.

Updated to Moveable Type 3.0 D

Well I updated the blog to MT 3.0 D I had thought about switching to WordPress and I still might at some point, like the next time the MT license changes. But I got a beta tester discount and had previously donated to MT, so my upgrade cost was quite small.

But for those thinking about ditching Movable type, you can compare blog/CMS software here or here. And if you want a compelling reason to switch, Mark Pilgrim has one.

SETI@Home and distributed computing

SETI@Home turned five years old on May 17. Five years yielding very little of interest. And as of today I have completed 520 data units. That’s more than 92.496 percent of their users and puts me in 374,784th place out of 5,000,834 users. Which means most people don’t do much but the top 10 percent crunch a lot of numbers.

Slashdot noted the anniversary and asked why SETI. Good question, it is rather pointless. The chances of us contacting ET life are slim, if any life even exists. That’s why I’m looking forward to the official release of BOINC, the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing. This software will let you crunch numbers for several projects, not just SETI@Home.

Vatican astronomer talks about science and religion

Astrobiology Magazine has an interview up with a Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno, who also curates the Vatican’s meteorite collections. Interesting stuff about astronomy and religion.

The best quote is on what happens if we find ET life. Of several options, this could happen,” We find a dozen civilizations out there, and a bunch of Jehovah’s witnesses go up and convert them all.” And on the idea that ET would convert us to an alien religion, “We can’t even convert ourselves.”

Upgraded to MT 3.0

Library Monk has been upgraded to Moveable Type 3.0. The upgrade went smoothly, although I didn’t upgrade the templates. So I’m not taking advantage of any new features, visible to the public, but the new management interface is amazing.

Not much that is blog worthy to report

April was a busy and not busy month. Nothing much happened in the second half of the month, that was interesting enough, I thought, to post here. I did buy a new car April 21, a 2004 VW Jetta. Dark blue, VW calls it Galactic Blue, exterior, gray leather interior. And of course lots of airbags. So I am once again car owning and insured. I can’t actually drive yet, but at least I have a car.

Other than that the second half of April was marked by a visit to the rehab doctor. I’m fine, I don’t have to go back until October. Did a few things to settle dad’s estate. I went to court, probate is a pain, make sure you have a will. I also traded in dad’s 2000 Dodge Durango to help buy the Jetta.

I’ll be finishing my incompletes and taking stats again this summer over the Internet and back taking classes and teaching in Knoxville in late August. So that’s an update on me, feel free to talk amongst yourselves now. 🙂