Updated to Moveable Type 3.0 D

Well I updated the blog to MT 3.0 D I had thought about switching to WordPress and I still might at some point, like the next time the MT license changes. But I got a beta tester discount and had previously donated to MT, so my upgrade cost was quite small.

But for those thinking about ditching Movable type, you can compare blog/CMS software here or here. And if you want a compelling reason to switch, Mark Pilgrim has one.

3 Replies to “Updated to Moveable Type 3.0 D”

  1. I’m probably going to migrate over to wordpress, but I’m curious if you’ve have had any problems with the whole TypeKey system?

  2. I tried lots of test comments and got other people to post test comments. Normal commenting without TypeKey works just fine. As for using TypeKey I don’t know, I haven’t used it.

    And even though I paid $24 after discounts for a MT personal license, I keep looking at WordPress and will probably switch sooner rather than later. I really expected 3.0 final to be out by now and I’ve already killed my previous blog design in favor of the crap you see now. So I really have no reason not to switch now.

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