Not that I travel much, and I’ve never travelled anywhere that I needed a passport, but this looks cool. ePassportPhoto lets you use your own photos for passports. Passport photos seem to be like drivers licence photos, very few of them look good. Just posting this one for the people I know that actually use passports.
The Information Society?
The DaVinci Institute – The Future of Libraries
“We have put together ten key trends that are affecting the development of the next generation library. Rest assured that these are not the only trends, but ones that have been selected to give clear insight into the rapidly changing technologies and equally fast changing mindset of library patrons.”
Worth a read…
Did Jesus exist? Court to decide – Did Jesus exist? Court to decide – Jan 4, 2006
Wow, this case should be interesting. This sounds like a publicity stunt to me. Prove Jesus doesn’t exist in a Italian court? Not likely.
Of course, Candians are eating unconsecrated hosts as snack food, so anything is possible.
New image
I changed the St. Jerome image to the colorized version. I’m working on a new 3 column design that I may or may not end up using. I also added a header graphic.It’s something to do….
Anybody have strong opinions on a 2 column v/s 3 column design?
Pondering a redesign
My mascot/logo for this site has always been St. Jerome in his Study by Albrecht Dürer. I was looking for other/better images of the woodcut and found a colorized version by Domenicus Rottenhammer done around 1600. I’m thinking about basing a redesign of the site around this image.

Anybody have any ideas for a new Library Monk design?
It’s 2006 and I have started a new blog. Not really, I just started a blog at so I could try out the Akismet anti-spam plugin. You can read all about that on the new blog.
Chuck Norris
The Chuck Norris Facts site seems to be making the rounds, it’s pretty funny.
Chuck Norris can do anything 🙂
Keegan, Gracie, and Mizzou
Here’s my favorite Christmas present, a drawing of Keegan, Gracie, and Mizzou; drawn by Stephanie’s brother David. The original is about 11×14 inches and hangs on my wall.
Upgraded to WordPress 2.0
Well, I upgraded to WordPress 2.0. Other than some admin bells and whistles (the new visual rich editor can be helpful and annoying at the same time, thankfully you can turn it off) there is no major reason to upgrade. I’ll wait until WordPress 2.1 before I upgrade anything else.
While I was updating I also installed the latest version of Spam Karma (2.1 beta). I’m waiting until it’s out of beta to upgrade other places.
Hate the WordPress 1.5/2.0 Dashboard? Replace it with this hack from Angsuman. Loads much faster than the stock Dashboard since it doesn’t wait on useless RSS feeds to load.
iMac TV
I just got a TV tuner/PVR for my iMac, a myTV.PVR. More pictures and screenshots of the interface can be found at the Build your own PVR Forums. The performance could be better but my iMac is on the low end, it barely meets the system requirements. But it lets me watch TV on my iMac which is all I really want it to do, anything else is a bonus.