Library Thing

Added Library Thing to my right sidebar. Seems to slow down my page loads a bit. Is it noticeable enough to be a bother? Does anybody read this blog anymore? 🙂

On Twitter

I’m realizing that Twitter has given my blog a new lease on life. Making my tweets display on the front page definitely keeps the blog more on my mind since I use twitter and twitterific heavily these days. Pondering a Library Monk redesign now, but I have lots of other projects on the to-do list ahead of that.

Work Work Work

Well it has taken me almost to the end on January to post anything. Been buried at work, been ill a bit and trying to keep up with my whirlwind of an almost 2 year old daughter. Blogging is but a distant memory. Perhaps I shall see it again in the near future . 🙂

A Delicious post on life

Just a miscellaneous post on life etc. I’ve started using a lot recently. I just got tired of lots of links I didn’t use that often in my browser.

Prior to Oct. 10, the last time I added anything to was Dec. 11, 2005. Anyway you can have a look at my links if you so choose.

In other news I’ve changed departments here at Hodges, from Outreach to Library Technology Services, a.k.a Systems. So I have a bigger cube and an office that my cell phone works in, but sadly no pay raise.

Work has started on our new house, earth is being moved. 🙂

One post a month….

Seems to be my pace these days. One day I my get back to blogging. I’ve been pretty busy spearheading the redesign on the UT Libraries site. It officially launched August 13th and it’s a slow process getting a site that big with dozens of people involved updated to a new design. Kind of like turning an aircraft carrier.

In other news still working on getting a house built, the construction loan will hopefully close soon and then the fun will start.

Busy May

May is almost over and I’m not sure where it went. Work has been going ok, the UT Libraries version of the new UT web templates should be ready in the next couple of weeks. Then the long and probably painful process of converting the libraries over to the new templates can begin.

On a personal note, I spent most of May getting the family finances in order. Cashed in some stock and paid off all our credit card debt, which was a sizable sum. Next on the agenda is looking at buying or building a house. Building on the land we have now is one option, or we may sell our current place and move a bit closer to work.

Anybody want to buy a Mac mini or a couple of Pentium 4 Windows XP machines? The only computer we ever turn on at home anymore is the laptop, so I’m on a mission to get rid of our desktop machines and reclaim some cash.

But for now we’ll be taking a break and headed to Arkansas for Memorial Day. Should be a nice change of pace.

Library Podcast… file extension issues

I’ve been working on putting a podcast up for The Commons at work. Which is a little harder than it sounds. First I had to figure out podcast RSS feeds. The University of Washington has a good site for that.

Then there was an issue with the .m4a file that GarageBand saves podcasts as. .m4a is not an official MIME media type, which means it’s probably not going to be in the Apache mime types. At least it wasn’t for the library web server. And it might not hurt to add .m4v as well.

AddType video/mp4 .m4v
AddType audio/mp4 .m4a

MPEG 4 has various (and mostly interchangeable) file extensions, although .mp4 is the only official extension. But Apple has popularized .m4a and .m4v into what appear to be defacto standards.