2004 was one wild year. I left Patricia Neal Rehab Dec.31, 2003 barely able to move at all. I spent New Year’s Eve in bed. Dec. 31, 2004 was very different. I spent New Year’s Eve at a party. To get to this party I had to walk up a flight of stairs, which I did very slowly 🙂 I kissed my fiance at midnight too.
This year has been full of changes. My dad died, I got engaged, my goddaughter was born August 21, and I had surgery soon after that.
In September I moved back to Knoxville and Stephanie. That was a high point. It really felt like my life was getting back on track then, even if the first few weeks back were a little bumpy. I started back to outpatient theray at Patricia Neal November 27, and I’m making definate progress. Dec 13 we got a new dog, Gracie.
Christmas was good, especially since I didn’t have much of a Christmas last year. After Christmas Stephanie started a new job working for LabCorp at UT Medical Center. She likes her new job a lot.
2005 looks to be even more eventful than 2004. I’m going back to teaching and taking classes in about 2 weeks. Lots of things will be happening in the spring semester, some of which I can’t talk about yet. After the semester is over the biggest party of the year will be happening, my wedding on June 10, 2005. 🙂
🙂 You make me smile baby!!!!